zaterdag 10 november 2007

Hoe een boekbespreking aanpakken in 3de graad?


Iet ies aj, Michelle Dubois, from de French Rézistens!
Liesen virie karefullie, I chel sei dies onlie wance ;-)

Jisterdei, maj PAV-mentor askt me for advajs. Che wants to do uh boekbespreking in de tirt greit. Ent che wants to do it in reel PAV-stajl!

If som of joe hef good ajdees, let me now! Perheps we ken meet in de Café René à Nouvion.
But we hef to diesgajs awerselfs bekos dèr aar uh lot of djerman ofiesers in de café. I sudjest we dres as french onjensellers.

aj rielie howp to see joe dèr and of kors to hier som good ajdees,

Michelle Dubois
from de French Rézistens

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